Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's Official!!!!!

It's official - I resigned from my teaching job today. I have to say that I actually feel excited and relieved. Now I feel as though I am truly back on the path I'm meant to be on. I am also excited because now I feel as though I can really talk about where I am headed on my next journey, which is........... to "lululemon"! For those of you who haven't heard of it, lululemon is a company that sells yoga inspired athletic gear. More than that, it is a company whose philosophy is amazing. It would take me about a week to explain the greatness that is lululemon and even then I wouldn't do it justice, so I highly encourage you all to check out their website here. It is truly inspiring. Below is the manifesto of the company, which gives a great insight into what the company culture and vision. 

For the first time ever I will be working in a place where I was hired for being me. They value the difficulties I have faced and overcome, they love that I want to start my own business, they celebrate the work I am doing to raise awareness of post natal depression, they encourage me to balance my life so that I have time with my family and for myself. I really do feel as though I will learn so much here and that my life will change for the better by traveling on this journey. 

Despite a few nerves, I actually feel quite proud of myself. After walking into this store a couple of months ago I decided then and there that I had to get a job. And thats exactly what I have done. In accepting a part-time position I am taking a huge risk in an attempt to get my foot in the door, and this is a risk that prior to this year I would never in a million years have taken. But I believe that it is one that I am taking for the right reasons and that is what makes this so different. For once I believe in myself and trust myself to know what my dream is and to follow my heart, and that is a massive step for me. 

So here's to fresh starts and taking risks!!!!!!


  1. Congrats! This sounds so wonderful. You SHOULD be proud of yourself for taking such an important step. I love yoga and feel so good after a session. I wish I had friends in my area who liked it also. I'll have to check out the lululemon site. Again wahooo for you!

    -unravelling junie/studiopink

  2. So, so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the lululemon manifesto - fantastic!

    I'm looking forward to seeing how you blossom.
