Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Spring in my step.....

Earlier in the year I did a course with Leadership Management Australia called "The Performance Edge". This was an absolutely life changing course that has played a huge part in getting me to where I am both professionally and personally. Tonight I went to the 3 month follow up or refocus workshop, and I'm so glad I went. It was great to check in with people who had been my Monday morning buddies for weeks on end and who watched me take off into my new life. Seeing the look of genuine happiness on people's faces when I told them what I have achieved since I last saw them really touched me. I was fortunate enough to have two amazing facilitators running my course, both of whom are very inspiring women. One of them revealed tonight that she is going to do a Phd next year. When I asked her what sparked her to do this she said that she was actually inspired by me. That blew me away - to know that I have had that kind of impact on someone just by being 'me' and being 'real' for others means the world to me. 
Attending this evening was also just the thing I needed to get that little spark of motivation back. I have been achieving many things in the past few months and am happy with where my life is heading etc. But I haven't been definite enough in setting goals and listing steps to achieve them and I really need to get back to doing this. When I was doing the course it happened more easily because I had to check in with people each week and had the support network of people to push me along. The daily grind of life, however, has a funny way of letting us slip back into old ways or into just assuming that these things will continue to happen naturally. Clearly they don't, though. They take planning, focus and constant reassessing, which seems like a lot of work. And it is. But it is that work that ultimately gets you to where you want to go and makes it that much more satisfying when you do get there. So tomorrow at 9am I am going to set myself 4 new business or career goals and 1 or 2 personal goals (just like I did on my course), and get myself moving again. 
By the way, I am going to declare that my goal for tomorrow is to run to and from work. I'm putting it out there because I do not want to have to write in my blog tomorrow that I didn't follow through with this task. I figure that taking baby steps to get back into a fitness routine will be the best approach, rather than the 'flog yourself from the start' approach that I usually employ (and that doesn't usually last long). Wish me luck!

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