Sunday, July 5, 2009

Goals are set.....

Tonight I finally got around to setting myself some new goals (you may remember that I spoke about this two weeks ago after I went to my follow up LMA meeting. I achieved my goal to run the next day but didn't quite get to addressing the more long term things). Anyway, in an effort to inject some motivation and purpose back into my life I have come up with 5 new goals for the month of July. They are:

1. By 12th July 2009, I will have listened to the remaining 3 Brian Tracy CD's for lululemon.
I start at lululemon this week (exciting!!!) and really want to get cracking on completing my 'by when' goals that every new employee needs to do. There are so many interesting elements of the training process that I just want to finish things so I can try the next one. Its such a great feeling to be doing something for work that I would actually choose to do of my own accord anyway.

2. By Sunday 26th July, 2009, I will have visited St John of God Hospital to donate some more items and speak to the women there.
I haven't spoken to the nurses or been back to the hospital since I donated my first items back in May. My mum said she would give me some money to purchase more items and my step-mum is going to make some wall hangings and items for the mums and bubs, which I am very excited about. My sis and I still really want to go and speak to some of the women so I am going to get my butt in gear on this one and ring the hospital tomorrow. I'm keen to buy some trays for the mums to use in their rooms for having cups of tea or coffee and snacks etc (this is one of the things the nurses told me might be useful). 

3. By Friday 31st July, 2009 I will have completed the July assignment for my unravelling group

I officially finished my 'Unravelling' course a few weeks ago but many of us have become so attached to our group that we want to continue to 'meet up' online and set our own monthly photo and writing assignments. The topic for July is 'The city where you live' (what's great about it, why do you live there etc). I think it will be so interesting to see what everyone else posts since there are people from all over the world. (Although none will come close to Sydney I'm sure....!).

4. By July 26th 2009, I will have completed half the 'taking flight' book.

I recently purchased a book called 'Taking Flight' - Inspiration and techniques to give your creative spirit wings, by Kelly Rae Roberts. I really want to set time aside each week to work through this book as I have been neglecting my creative side lately and want to try some new things. Sometimes taking your cues from others makes it easier to get going. 

Kelly Rae has some beautiful art work and her blog is a wonderful read.

5. By 31st July 2009, I will be able to run continuously for 30 minutes.

I know I feel soooooo much better when I exercise so its time to make it much more of a habit. I want to be able to practice what I preach at lululemon and to keep my mental health as positive as possible. Over the past few months I have struggled big time with motivation so I am hoping that by choosing a variety of activities I can keep things interesting (stair running, cycling, interval running at the track, yoga, weights, endurance running). At the moment I'm not even that worried about 'what' I am doing as long as I try to do 'something' each day. 

I will keep you all up to date as I accomplish each goal (There's positive thinking for you!).

I hope my goals inspire you to set some goals of your own for the coming months (feel free to leave a comment or email me if you want to share them). 

1 comment:

  1. Bel I think your July is off to a great start. I love how brave you are to post your goals for all of us to see. You are such a breath of fresh air. I'm so happy you're part of my virtual tribe. I'm even happier that you're continuing on a journey with me. I look forward to seeing all your goals come alive and hearing you speak with pride as you tell us so. I'm looking forward to see Sydney through your eyes. I don't think Portland holds a candle. Ah... so happy to have met you.
