- Children are taught from a young age that its not smart to get off the beaten track, to be innovative, to colour outside the lines etc, but in many ways this is the opposite of what we should do.
- The Law of Use: With any human faculty we either use it or lose it. The creative faculty is never truly lost though. You can trigger it again later on (Therefore, don't ever think or say that you are not creative. Everybody can be).
The superconscious mind:
- The more decisive and clear we are about what we want, what we want to accomplish, about what we want to resolve, the more rapidly our superconscious capability goes to work to bring the answers into our lives.
- Men and women who are continuously talking and thinking in an excited, positive way about the goals they want to accomplish seem to have a continuous stream of energy, enthusiasm and ideas that move them towards the accomplishment of those goals.
- The superconscious mind will give you every single idea and solution that you need in the exact order you need it. Once you have programmed the goal in and taken the first step, the superconscious will give you the next step to take and it will solve the problem.
- The superconscious mind has the ability to take us through the lessons we need to learn in order to achieve the goal.
- The superconscious mind does not work when we are mulling over our problems. It will only work when we are concentrating on our goal 100% or when we are not thinking about it at all.
- When the answer comes to you, you must act on it immediately. Immediately implement the intuition or the flash of insight, answer or idea that comes to you. So when you have programmed a goal into the subconscious mind and you get an intuitive flash of what to do to move yourself towards that goal, it is essential that you act immediately, without hesitation.
Difference between winners and losers:
- Winners accept and believe absolutely that they are destined to be successful and that every single thing that happens between where they start and their ultimate success is either a step forward or a valuable lesson that has been sent to them to teach them something that will enable them to be ultimately successful.
- When 'losers' reach set backs or obstacles, they quit or they deviate or they settle for something far, far less.
- Therefore you should expect that every single thing that happens to you is happening for your benefit. It is up to you to find the benefit hidden within it.
6 techniques for stimulating creativity:
- Solitude: Go into silence and do nothing for 30-60 minutes. Don't read, drink, get up or do anything. Sit perfectly still and silent. The first 20-25 minutes will be difficult but after that things should begin to become clear to you. When you feel you have the least time to do this is the time you most need it.
- Deep relaxation and meditation: Close your eyes, let your mind go calm and count backwards from 100 to 1. (Take 10-20 minutes).
- Surround yourself with a natural environment: Go for a walk, sit next to the ocean etc.
- Listen to classical music: Let the music play through your mind.
- Mind storming: Sit down and write your problem at the top of a page as a question. Force yourself to write 20 answers to the question. Just let your mind flow. You will often find that the 20th answer is 'the one'. Do this first thing in the morning and implement one of these answers immediately.
- Systematic problem solving: Concentrate on 1 single goal at a time. Maintain an open mind and look at all the possible ways to approach a problem. Approach every single problem as though there IS a logical, workable solution. Change your language from negative to positive (don't call it a problem, call it a challenge). When you fret about a situation, the problem solving section of your brain shuts off.
Clearly define the problem on paper. What are all the possible causes that could have triggered this event? Write them down and prioritise them. Clearly identify all the possible solutions. Determine what is right before you say whether it is possible. Think and talk only about the solutions.
Make a decision (this is better than no decision at all). 80% of all decisions should be made immediately. Assign specific responsibility for implementing the solutions. Who is to do it? In what way? With what resources etc? What is the deadline?
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