Monday, January 18, 2010

Dreaming Big......

My twin sis and I got to spend some rare time alone together this past weekend. As neither of us had had the chance to start our 'Mondo Beyondo' work last week, we decided to do it together. I haven't sat down and taken the time to just think and be still in ages and its surprising how hard it is to do when you are so used to 'doing, doing doing' all the time. I thought I would share a few of my thoughts from the first four exercises:

Lesson 1: Who inspires you to take a chance on your dreams? Whose example challenges you to be more open to your unspoken dreams? How is this person taking risks?Describe this person's vulnerability, flexibility and courage.

Chip Wilson, founder of lululemon athletica: Chip inspires me because he has given his life over to making a difference in this world and has stayed true to who he is and what he believes in along the way. He discovered what he wanted to do, and how he wanted to do it, and he wasn't afraid to voice this - even to a world that wasn't ready to hear it. To me he is the epitome of what it is to be truly successful; creating a life you love and changing the world at the same time.

Oprah Winfrey: Has had one of the most profound impacts upon the world in my lifetime. She has worked hard to be able to live a life doing what she loves and uses her voice and power to make the world a better place. Like Chip, she introuduced the notions of living your best life and serving others to a world that has been very questioning of those ideals. If I could reach the end of my life and be able to say I had even 1/1000,000th of the impact that she has had, I would be so grateful.

Lesson 2: My Secret Energy Source

Playing with Bailey, exercising, reading magazines (particularly design and fashion), coffee and long chats with friends, drawing, reading inspirational books, having a bath, being creative, ice-cream, writing down and discussing my goals, helping others, flowers, time to myself, reading different blogs, photography.

Lesson 3: Identify your core values

Dreaming big, making a difference, inspiring others, education, authenticity.
I'm looking forward to the next 5 weeks of dreaming big. These kinds of things are always the ones we put off but are the ones that have the biggest impact on our motivation and lives. If you haven't given any thoughts to these questions lately, you should try them yourself.

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