Which brings me to the next topic I wanted to address tonight. For virtually my whole life I have felt the need to know where I was going, to play it safe, to do 'the right thing' and to try to keep everything under control. But what I have found is that approaching life in this way hasn't made me happy. It has actually left me feeling as though there is something missing. So last year I decided that I had nothing to lose and if the way I was living life wasn't making me happy then the only thing to do was the opposite of what I have always done (this sounds simple but its very hard to change 31 years of habits and ways of thinking). Anyway, I've really worked hard on this aspect of my life. Instead of wanting my life to be a predictable straight line I want it to be a winding river, full of twists and turns and ups and downs. In trying to predict and control everything in my life I wasn't actually 'living' and I was depriving myself of so much that life has to offer. Instead of avoiding challenging situations, I look for them and tackle them head on. Instead of saying 'no' to things that take me outside of my comfort zone, I say 'yes'. And guess what? I'VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER. The change in my life has been amazing. So I challenge everyone who reads this to change your way of thinking, even if it is just about one issue or aspect of your life. If there is an area of your life that you know you need to change or want to change, do it. Just the smallest of steps and changes can make a huge difference to your life. The following quote sums this up perfectly for me and in the past 6 months I have definitely found it to be true. It inspires me to stay on my new path and I hope it inspires you!
"One new perception,
one fresh thought,
one act of surrender,
one change of heart,
one leap of faith,
can change your life forever"
I love this quote! I am inspired!