Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Things I'm loving today.....

Watching the pink sky as the sun came up over the city this morning.

Yoga to start the day.

Sharing goals with all my lulu lovelies.

My new Pranotthana crops and Exhale Jacket from lululemon (pictured below).

Nachos for lunch.

Bright blue skies and still 27 degrees in autumn.

Coffee and a catch up in Centennial Park with a friend in the afternoon.

My little man eating his dinner.

My little man being taken to bed at 8pm with no resistance (after last nights tantrums this is heaven sent!).

Some mummy time this evening.

Exhale Jacket from lululemon athletica

Pranatthana Crops from lululemon athletica

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it total bliss when our children hit the pillow minus the carry on. Nothing bets it when we walk away, close the door behind us knowing 'our' time is here. I love it, it makes me smile :)
